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Calibration API reference

This is a documentation for the HTTP API for configuring the calibration information used in Cloudnet data processing.


GET /api/calibration

This route takes the following URL parameters:

NOTE: For dates that do not have calibration data set, the previous calibration data are returned. For example, given that there are calibration data for date 2021-01-01, querying the data for 2021-01-02 will return the calibration data of 2021-01-01.

POST /api/calibration

The route takes the following URL parameters:

Request body must contain calibration data as JSON.

Calibration data

Field Name Type Unit Product Description
time_offset int min lidar, weather-station Time offset compared to UTC (positive values mean ahead of UTC, e.g. Finnish local time).
range_offset int m radar Range offset.
calibration_factor float 1 lidar Calibration factor.
range_corrected bool 1 lidar Indicates range-correction.
telegram list[int] 1 disdrometer Telegram of data.
coefficientLinks list[str] 1 mwr-l1b Coefficient links.
azimuth_offset float degrees radar, doppler-lidar-wind Offset value to be added to azimuth angles.
zenith_offset float degrees radar, doppler-lidar-wind Offset value to be added to zenith angles.
missing_timestamps bool 1 disdrometer Indicates missing timestamps.
snr_limit float 1 lidar Signal-to-noise ratio limit.


Fetching the most recent value

Example query:


Response body:

  "createdAt": "2023-04-04T12:59:47.686Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-04-04T12:59:47.686Z",
  "data": {
    "range_corrected": true,
    "calibration_factor": 4e-12

Setting new value

curl -u username:password \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"range_corrected": true, "calibration_factor": 5e-9}' \

Note: Updating the calibration database is currently done by the CLU personnel only.