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Data upload file types

The Cloudnet data submission API does not check the type or content of the uploaded files. If you accidentally upload some incorrect files, or files that we can’t process, we still archive those but perhaps do nothing more. Clearly incorrect files might get deleted.

We recommend uploading the following files:

ID Instrument File extension / description Format
mira-10 METEK MIRA-10 cloud radar Compressed .mmclx.gz files. netCDF
mira-35, (deprecated mira) METEK MIRA-35 cloud radar (formerly MIRA-36) Compressed .mmclx.gz files. netCDF
rpg-fmcw-94, rpg-fmcw-35 RPG-Radiometer Physics cloud radars .LV1 and compressed .LV0 files. binary
ld40, ct25k, cl31, cl51 Vaisala ceilometers .DAT files. File extension may be different depending on collection system. text
cl61d Vaisala CL61 ceilometer Non-concatenated .nc files. netCDF
cs135 Campbell Scientific CS135 ceilometer File extension may be different depending on collection system. text
chm15k, chm15kx Lufft ceilometers (formerly Jenoptik) .nc files. Either non-concatenated or concatenated files but not both. netCDF
hatpro RPG HATPRO microwave radiometer .LWP, .IWV, .HKD, .BRT, .MET, .BLB/.BLS, .IRT, and similar binary files. binary
radiometrics Radiometrics (MP3014, MWP1, etc.) microwave radiometer .csv or compressed .csv.gz L2 files. CSV
copernicus Copernicus cloud radar .nc files. netCDF
galileo Galileo cloud radar .nc files. netCDF
basta BASTA cloud radar .nc L1 files. netCDF
rasta RASTA cloud radar .nc L1 files. netCDF
parsivel OTT Parsivel² disdrometer .log files. text
thies-lnm Thies LPM a.k.a. LNM disdrometer .txt files. text
halo-doppler-lidar HALO Photonics StreamLine Doppler lidars .hpl, Background*.txt and system_parameters*.txt files. text
pollyxt PollyXT Raman lidar * and * files. netCDF
wls70 Leosphere WLS70 WindCube Doppler lidar Text files. text
wls100s, wls200s, wls400s Vaisala/Leosphere WindCube long-range scanning Doppler lidars .nc or compressed .nc.gz files. netCDF
weather-station Weather station data (temperature, humidity, etc.) Unknown for now. unknown
minimpl Droplet MiniMPL lidar .nc files. netCDF
mrr-pro METEK MRR-PRO rain radar .nc files. netCDF
rain-e-h3 LAMBRECHT rain[e]H3 rain gauge .txt files. text
thies-precipitation-transmitter Thies Precipitation Transmitter rain gauge .nc files netCDF
pluvio OTT Pluvio² rain gauge .nc files netCDF

We plan to also accept the following instrument types in the future. Note that the API will not accept these yet. If you have other instruments you would like to include (such as other disdrometers, lidars or ancillary instrumentation), please let us know, and we will add them to our to-do list.

ID Instrument Possible file extensions Format
hsrl ARM HSRL .nc files produced by ARM / Ed Eloranta. netCDF
mpl ARM or MPLnet Micropulse Lidar .nc files produced by ARM or similar. netCDF